Dear Adrienne – September 1st, 2023

And I'm back with a new edition of Dear Adrienne - this time with a very timely question. Our dear reader is heading off to university. What do they need to know? (more…)

Dear Adrienne – August 15th, 2023

Ready for a brand new round of Dear Adrienne? Let's see what guidance the cards have this time around as we look into a friendship that's gone quiet. (more…)

Dear Adrienne – August 1st, 2023

It's time for another edition of Dear Adrienne. Advice-column style guidance from the tarot cards. This time around I'm answering a question about buying a new home. (more…)

Dear Adrienne – July 15th

We're talking work and business today on Dear Adrienne, from a nitpicking boss to some budding opportunities for a startup. See what quandaries we have, and the advice the cards have in store. (more…)

Dear Adrienne – July 1st

Welcome to the very first edition of Dear Adrienne; a brand new column where I'll be using the cards to see what advice and insight we have for you! Stories will be shared anonymously, and can always be submitted throughContinue reading