Tarotscopes - Week of May 20th

Happy Queen Victoria Day to my fellow Canadians! It was a lovely long weekend here in southern Ontario.  We celebrated the holiday by doing some yard work and taking some nice strolls through parks and the Niagara Falls Botanical Gardens.

This week we’re digging into the dark fantasy world of the Dark Wood Tarot by Sasha Graham and Abigail Larson.

While your sun sign is great, don’t forget to see what the cards have to say for your Moon and Rising. Unsure what yours are? Grab your birth date, place and time and visit the Natal Chart Calculator at Astro Café to find out!


Nine of Pentacles: Work hard, play hard, Aries! This is the reminder that you’ve put a lot of work and effort into getting where you are today. Take time this week to appreciate your successes, big and small, and realize that they haven’t come without hard work and sacrifice. Pause for a moment; do something nice for yourself and know that you deserve it. Work hard, play hard.

Questions: What successes have you earned as of late? How can you treat yourself this week?


The Moon: Your imagination is running wild this week, Taurus, and that power can be both illuminating and terrifying. Be sure to open your eyes and see things for what they are, not for what you imagine them to be. Don’t make decisions while plagued with confusion or uncertainty; find your way through the darkness and allow your intuition to guide you.

Questions: How can you make the most of the full moon this week? What illusions can you lay to rest?


Two of Pentacles: You may find yourself on a bit of a roller coaster right this week, Gemini, as you try to balance everything coming your way. It may feel like you have to say yes to everything, but remember, you don’t have to juggle everything. Make time to assess and prioritize what you’re carrying and what’s important to you. Let some things go, or put them aside for now.

Questions: Where are you spending your time, money, and energy? Where do you want to be spending them?


Justice: It’s time to hunker down, and get honest with yourself this week, Cancer – especially when it feels like things aren’t fair. Be honest with yourself and how you feel. The choices you make have consequences (both good and bad), so weigh your options before moving forward. Most importantly, remember that you are accountable for your actions and only your actions.

Questions: How can you be more fair to yourself right now? What are you taking accountability for that isn’t yours?


Two of Cups: Connection, connection, connection! Spend time with the people in your life that matter. Be open to strengthening current bonds, are developing new relationships. Communicate and make space to remove the mask; give yourself the chance to be vulnerable and talk about what is really important to you. Allow yourself to support and be supported.

Questions: How can you show up more authentically in your relationships? Who would you like to have a better relationship with? How can you accomplish that?


Nine of Cups: Happiness and contentment – what more could you want from the week, Virgo? Spend time doing something that brings you comfort and joy; something that makes your heart feel full. Do your best to practice mindfulness, and stay in the present moment. Enjoy what you can for what it is; nothing more, nothing less.

Questions: What are you grateful for? What is currently bringing you happiness or fulfillment in life?


Knight of Pentacles Rx: It’s hard to get motivated this week, Libra. While it can feel attractive to push tasks off until later, it’s important to rally your energy and focus it towards completing tasks. Don’t waste time and money on impulse and boredom – you’ll only regret it later. While a little reward can be a good thing, it’s all about balance.

Questions: What tasks have you been pushing off? Why have they taken the back burner and how can you amp yourself up to see them through?


The Chariot Rx: There’s some wheel spinning this week, Scorpio, where it’s hard to figure out where you’re going or feel like you’re on the right track. When you feel lost, take a moment to pause instead of forcing yourself forward. Don’t let feeling out of control make you double down and dig your heels in. Accept where you are, and get yourself back on track.

Questions: What goals are you currently working towards (big or small)? How can you accomplish something this week that moves you close to success?


Five of Pentacles: Slow down, Sagittarius! You’ve been pushing yourself hard, and if you’re not feeling it already, you’re going to start to. Take care of your physical health; eat well, drink enough water, take a meditative walk, and get enough sleep. While it may feel like you’re not doing enough, you are! Support is there when you need it, sometimes you just have to ask.

Questions: What are some signs your body shows you to slow down? Where can you ask for additional support this week?


Four of Pentacles: There is a desire this week to hold on to everything you’ve got, and you may find yourself being a little more conservative than normal. It’s important to do what makes you feel safe and secure, but make sure that you’re not holding on so tightly that you miss out on a good opportunity. Be smart, practical, and resourceful. 

Questions: What makes you feel safe within yourself and your environment? Is this helping you or holding you back?


Queen of Cups: Lead with your emotions this week, Aquarius. Be patient with yourself and with others; lend a supportive ear or a nurturing hand. This is a wonderful time to get into the flow; be moved by the world around you. While a logical approach may seem the best on paper, it’s important right now to listen to your heart.

Questions: What can you do to practice some self-care this week? Make time to tap into your intuition; how are you being guided?


Three of Wands: Now is a time for expansion, Pisces. Step into your confidence, amp up your motivation, and keep yourself open and aware of opportunities around you. Focus on your vision; what are you wanting to put out into this world? Don’t be afraid to try something new or step outside your comfort zone a little – especially if you’re seeking success.

Questions: In what ways are you expanding in your life? When have you made a bold choice that paid off?

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