Tarotscopes - Week of May 13th
We’re going back to some Lightning Tarotscopes this week – short and sweet readings focused on what you need to know for the week ahead.
This week’s messages come from Lucine Tarot by Lisa Santine.
While your sun sign is great, don’t forget to see what the cards have to say for your Moon and Rising. Unsure what yours are? Grab your birth date, place and time and visit the Natal Chart Calculator at Astro Café to find out!
Knight of Cups Rx: There’s moodiness afoot; bring yourself back down to earth, and funnel that overactive imagination into something productive.
Four of Pentacles: Safety and security are key this week; be smart and practical about how you’re spending your time, money, and energy.
Death: Time for change; let go, accept endings, close doors, and shed your skin as you transition into a new phase of you.
The Hierophant Rx: Time to rock the boat; don’t be afraid to try a different route and let go of outdated methods and modules; forge a new path.
Queen of Cups: Take time to fill your cup as much as you fill the cups of others; make space to process emotions, and time to tune into your intuition.
Knight of Pentacles: Slow and steady this week; take things one step at a time, cross your i’s, dot your t’s, and keep your eyes on the prize.
Eight of Swords: Things will come to a standstill, if you don’t get out of your head; take off the blindfold and see situations for what they are; don’t fall for your own traps.
Four of Cups: It’s okay to detach and check out a little bit, but make sure you don’t get yourself stuck; keep your eyes open for new opportunities.
Ten of Pentacles: Stability, security and abundance rule this week for you; focus on what you’re building and use experience gained to make good, practical decisions.
High Priestess: The “right” answer or correct path forward may seem cloudy this week; listen to your intuition and follow your inner voice.
Three of Pentacles: Team work and collaboration are key right now; showcase your strengths but be willing to step back and listen to the experts when needed.
Page of Cups Rx: Emotions are on overdrive and you may be feeling especially sensitive; take things in stride, and don’t close yourself off.