Tarotscopes - Week of July 15th
It’s time for this week’s lightning scopes!
As I moved my tarot deck collection from my office into my new tarot reading space this weekend, I rediscovered a bunch of decks that I haven’t used in a while.
One of those decks is bringing us the messages this week: the Animal Totem Tarot by Leeza Robertson and Eugene Smith.
Don’t forget to check out the readings for your moon sign and rising, too! Don’t know what those are for you? Visit the Natal Chart Calculator at Astro Café enter your birth date, time, and place to find out!
King of Pentacles: Use your experience to your benefit; approach things in a sensible, practical way. Enjoy your successes, and seek security over risk right now.
Wheel of Fortune Rx: Remember that not everything is in your control; get unstuck by allowing yourself to go with the flow. Expect a few delays this week.
The World: Bring loose ends to completion this week; see things through to the very end. Take a moment to appreciate where you are, and your achievements thus far. A new cycle is coming.
Two of Wands Rx: Don’t hesitate – but instead of jumping in full force, give yourself some grace by making a plan of action. While fortune favours the bold, prepare yourself for what actions to take.
Nine of Wands: Challenges you’ve faced may rear their ugly head again and as frustrating as that is, remember that you got through them once, and you will again. Be persistent, and maintain healthy boundaries.
Four of Pentacles Rx: Not everything is out to get you; do what you need to feel safe and secure, but don’t be clinging onto that security so tightly that it’s at a determent to yourself. Be wary of how you are spending.
Three of Wands: Where are you wanting to expand? Set your sights, and allow yourself to grow. Own your power , take advantage of the the momentum, and make your next forward move.
Queen of Wands: Let your passion and creativity drive you forward; hone that energy into something meaningful and productive. Get out into the community, and don’t be afraid to stand up for what’s important.
The High Priestess: Let your intuition guide you. It’s uncomfortable at times because that feeling can’t be rationalized or explained. Listen to your inner voice over the noise of the outside world (especially social media).
Ace of Swords Rx: There’s some confusion or haziness plaguing this week which can be mitigated by being clear in your words, upfront about your expectations, and honest with your thoughts and feelings.
Judgement: Set aside time this week to reflect on where you’ve been; not to judge or berate yourself, but to spot patterns and understand lessons. Sometimes we don’t know what mistakes we’re repeating until we evaluate where we’re coming from.
Ten of Wands: You’re almost there, Pisces! While you have a tendency to take on a lot (read: probably too much), you’ll find things easing up a little this week. Don’t be afraid to say no or drop what isn’t yours to carry. Exhaustion isn’t fun.