Tarotscopes - Week of January 29th, 2024
We’re nearing the end of January, which has felt fast and slow at the same time. How has your first month of 2024 been? What have you accomplished and what do you wish to continue into February?
This week’s tarotscope messages come from the Santa Muerte Tarot by Fabio Listrani.
As always, I suggest checking out the signs in your chart that resonate most. Not sure what your placements are? Check out your chart using the Natal Chart Calculator at Astro Café!
Ten of Swords: You may feel yourself dipping into a bit of a of woe is me this week, Aries, especially when challenges get in your way. It may feel easier to give up and accept defeat, but realize that these thoughts are fleeting. Instead of allowing yourself to be powerless, accept where you are. Deal with the difficult thoughts, knowing that once you do, you will be able to move through them and into more clarity. Don’t let mistakes eat you alive; they suck for a short time, but will make you stronger in the long run.
Five of Wands: There’s some tension in the air this week, Taurus, but don’t fret – it’s nothing ill intentioned. You have ideas to share, and things to say, but no one is really paying attention. This isn’t because you’re not worthy, they’re just all involved in their own lives. It’s time for you to be assertive. Articulate your ideas clearly, and allow others the chance to say their peace. You may also find that you’re constantly comparing yourself to others. Remember, life isn’t a competition, and as they say, “comparison is the thief of joy”.
The Sun: Wonderful energy coming your way this week, Gemini! Whether you’re stuck in fog and rain or enjoying the sun’s rays, it’s time to let your inner self shine bright. Do things that bring you joy, and make you laugh. Put aside time for play, and bring those you love along for the ride. This is the time to celebrate the light and successes in your life – and give yourself space to see that they are there. Get outside, fill your lungs with fresh air, and share your radiance with the world; both you and those in your circle deserve it.
Six of Pentacles: This is the week to give where you can and accept help when things feeling overwhelming – knowing that there’s no shame in asking for a helping hand. How can you share the gifts you have to offer? But at the same time, what do you need to feel supported? Take time to really pay attention to where your time, money, and energy are being spent and what you are getting in return. This isn’t said in a selfish way, but everything in life is an energy exchange. Be sure that there is some level of fairness or balance in your life.
Page of Pentacles: Energetically speaking, this is a bit of a slower moving week, Leo, but in the best of ways. Now is the time to focus your energy and be diligent in the planning and pursuit of your goals. There is much success to be had, but you can’t go from zero to one hundred overnight. Keep your eyes open for new opportunities, but be thoughtful and vigilant in your choices. Know that you may have to learn something new to really get where you want to be – and that’s okay. We both know you are far more than capable. Just don’t rush.
The Tower: Get ready to get a little uncomfortable, Virgo, because it’s time to shake things up a little. There are cracks in a few of your foundations; changes or pivots that need to be made. I think it’s safe to assume that chaos isn’t your favourite, but instead of giving into the stress, create the change that needs to happen. You have the power to be the catalyst, and won’t things be far more comfortable if you’re in front of them? Sometimes, the most powerful way to deal with change is simply allowing it to happen. Because when the dust settles, you’ll be able to rebuild bigger, better, and stronger.
Seven of Swords: This may be a very interesting week for you, Libra, as you are asked to call upon your resourcefulness and not be afraid to take a shortcut or two. You have a natural ability to be flexible and adaptable, but don’t be afraid to go solo when you’re tired of having to consider the ideas of others. It’s okay to put yourself first, and make decisions that are in your best interest. There may be some situations in which you’re not getting the full story, so be sure to trust your gut if something doesn’t sit quite right.
Eight of Pentacles: This is a great week to hunker down, and really work towards learning or upleveling a skill – work towards mastery! It can be hard to invest in ourselves, because we want our efforts, time, and money to pay off in the long run. But don’t be afraid to take that course, read that book, invest in a mentor, or spend time on your craft. If wanting to improve your career, work towards adding something extra to your resume. In school, do what you need to do get a great grade on that essay or test. The knowledge and experience you gain will be worth it. Also know that hobbies are just as valuable a skill to hone!
Eight of Swords: Your thoughts are on overdrive this week, Sagittarius, but not in the best of ways. There’s a feeling of powerlessness or trappedness, where the negative thoughts tend to take over the internal narrative. Realize that the only way out is to allow yourself to see your situation with honesty and clarity, instead of giving into the story that you’ve created. Take the blindfold off, and look at things from a different vantage point. They won’t seem as intense or as difficult to overcome when you do.
The Emperor: From the King of Pentacles last week to the Emperor this week, you have some strong masculine energy on your side right now, Capricorn! Focus your attention and discipline on building (or maintaining) your kingdom. Seek stability and structure to ensure that your daily routines can run smoothly. That said, now is a time of action; but action with purpose and a plan. You are in control. But remember, there’s no need to be too heavy handed. Know when to be strict with yourself, but when to give yourself some slack and grace.
Eight of Cups: It seems there is some stagnated energy this week, Aquarius, and it’s time to get things flowing again. Where do you feel stuck? What are you trying to fix or do that just isn’t working? Know that it’s okay to walk away, even when there are heartstrings attached. Taking leave doesn’t mean you can’t come back to it, it just means that it’s not working for you now. There are bigger, better, brighter things ahead for you, and trying to ignore where you’re being held back won’t get you there. Get outside, go for a walk, and clear your head.
Santa Muerte (Death): You are emerging, dear Pisces. It’s time to shed your skin, and let go of who you were to make room for who you are and who you want to be. Change and transformation can be difficult, especially when you are being asked to leave part of your old self behind. This may come as letting go of ideas that no longer match who you are, objects that have become bad memories and clutter, relationships that have grown stale or toxic, or emotions that are long past their due date. Remember, endings must happen for new beginnings to start.