Tarotscopes - Week of January 27th
Welcome to this week’s lightning tarotscopes featuring the Terra Volatile by Credo quia Absurdum. This deck brings vibrant, thought-provoking imagery and insights to guide us through the week ahead.
As always, check your sun, moon, and rising signs to see what resonates with you—your full natal chart can be found at Astro Cafe! And remember, I’d love to hear from you—what card or message from this week’s reading stood out the most? Share your thoughts below!
What’s coming up?
- Join me on February 12th for Guided by the Tarot: Creating Intentions that Stick. A 90-minute workshop where we’ll work together to create powerful personal intentions with the tarot cards. 7:30pm eastern, live on Zoom. $33 CAD
- February 18th marks the one-year anniversary of hosting Tarot Practice Sessions! And in February, we’re practicing love readings. 7:30pm eastern, live on Zoom. $15 CAD
Now, let’s get on with this week’s tarotsopes!
King of Coins: Take a grounded, practical approach to your goals and challenges. Use the experience you’ve built to guide you; you know what you’re doing. Be wise in how you invest your resources: time, energy, and money.
Nine of Swords: Confront the difficult, anxious thoughts that have been weighing on your mind—acknowledge the fears and worries, but don’t let them control you. Take a step back and breathe; clarity will come when you stop spiraling.
Death: Focus on letting old, outdated parts of yourself fade away to make space for what’s next. Close doors, and embrace change; you are being guided towards a more authentic version of yourself.
The High Priestess: Make a mindful effort to tune into your intuition, and embrace the quiet knowing that resides within. Don’t rush to make decisions—take time to reflect and pay attention to the subtle signs around you.
The Emperor: Get that inner lion roaring, because this week you’re taking charge. Set clear boundaries, protect your peace, and bring order to any chaos around you. Self-discipline, decisive action, and confidence will lead you to success.
King of Swords: Your mind is your greatest asset this week. Rely on logic and reason as you navigate the twists and turns. Communicate with honesty and clarity; mincing words won’t help your cause. Be fair, and make decisions based on facts.
Ace of Pentacles: This week brings new opportunities for growth, especially in areas related to career, finances, and long-term goals. What do you desire to build? Take advantage of this moment to plant the seeds for future success.
Eight of Cups: It’s okay to walk away from something that’s no longer serving you. Accept where you are right now, and release any feelings of guilt or regret. Trust that leaving behind what no longer works makes space for what truly fulfills you.
Ace of Swords: Be honest with yourself and others; cut through confusion and potential miscommunication with a sharp, clear vision. Be open to new ideas and fresh perspectives which allow you to have a much needed mental breakthrough.
Two of Wands: Step outside your comfort zone and explore new possibilities – what ambitions are you ready to pursue? Consider leaving the familiar behind for something new and exciting. Remember, the world is your oyster.
Nine of Pentacles: You’ve worked hard to get where you are, so be sure to take time to celebrate the fruits of your labour. Appreciate how far you’ve come and the stability you’ve built. You’ve earned this success—enjoy yourself a little!
Eight of Pentacles: Invest time and energy (and perhaps even a bit of money) into honing a skill or working towards your goals. Be persistent and consistent, as the effort you put in will pay off in the long run—trust the process and keep at it.