Tarotscopes - Week of February 3rd
This week for our lightning tarotscopes, we’re diving into the colorful and vibrant insights of the Sugar Skull Tarot by David A. Ross, illustrated by Carolina Martínez.
As always, I encourage you to check your Sun, Moon, and Rising signs to take what resonates most with where you are right now. 🌙 If you’re unsure of your placements, you can calculate your natal chart for free on Astro Cafe.
What’s coming up?
- On February 12th I’ll be hosting Guided by the Tarot: Creating Intentions that Stick. A 90-minute workshop where we’ll work together to create powerful personal intentions with the tarot cards. 7:30pm eastern, live on Zoom. $33 CAD
- February 18th marks the one-year anniversary of hosting Tarot Practice Sessions! And in February, we’re practicing love readings. 7:30pm eastern, live on Zoom. $15 CAD
- And on February 23rd, I’ll be running my Tarot Crash Course in-person at my reading room in St. Catharines from 1-3pm. If you’re new to tarot or struggle with letting go of the little white book, this is a course for you! $45 CAD
Now, let’s get on with this week’s tarotsopes!
Two of Wands: Step outside your comfort zone and start testing the waters with new ideas. Make plans, and explore new ways to move forward. Be bold, and get curious! Look beyond what’s familiar and trust that your potential is bigger than you think.
Two of Cups: Connection is your theme this week! Work towards strengthening an existing bond, or connecting with someone new. Show up authentically, and let your true self shine. Seek harmony, communication and understanding with others.
The Sun: Allow for joy, laughter, and playfulness to fill your space this week. Tap into a childlike sense of wonder and radiance as you let your authentic self shine. Live in the here and now, and seek moments of unbridled freedom.
Page of Swords: Open your mind to fresh ideas, and new perspectives. Don’t be afraid to ask questions, and seek meaningful answers and be sure to share what you’ve learned as you go. At the same time, be sure to separate fact from opinion.
Knight of Pentacles: Slow and steady wins the race this race; you don’t have to rush. Stay grounded, disciplined, and focused on your goals. Keep showing up, even for the mundane tasks – your dedication will pay off.
The Star: Know that there is hope and inspiration all around you, you may just have to be open to seeing it. Trust in yourself and the universe to guide you; you are exactly where you need to be. Don’t hide away – this is your time to shine bright.
Queen of Cups: Bring focus on nurturing yourself and others this week, as you embrace emotional depth and intuition. Lead with compassion and understanding. Trust your heart, and allow yourself to feel with openness and grace.
Ace of Cups: Open yourself to fresh starts in matters of the heart – this may be self-love, new connections, or a rejuvenation of an existing relationship. Allow this outpouring of emotion to help you step into a healthy, harmonious flow.
Four of Wands: Celebrate good times, come on! Whether you’ve recently reached a milestone, or just want to enjoy connection and community, recognize moments of accomplishment and stability with those who make you feel like you belong.
King of Swords: Tap into your strengths of clarity and strategic thinking to navigate this week. Be logical and objective in your approach to problems, and act within your highest integrity. Communicate yourself clearly, and trust your experience.
Judgement: Spend some time in self-reflection and evaluation this week. Where are you, how did you get here, and what have you learned along the way? You are entering a new phase of growth; it’s time to recognize and release old patterns.
Queen of Wands: Step into your personal power! Be bold, magnetic, and unapologetically you. Let your passion, creativity, and charm be your driving forces. As you pursue what makes you feel alive, encourage others to do the same.