There’s a lot going on around here today, so I’m trying out some Lightning Tarotscopes this week – short and sweet readings focused on what you need to know for the week ahead.
The deck this week is the Idiosyncradeck by Jessica Bolt of the Cracked Amethyst.
Be sure to check the messages for your sun, moon, and rising! Not sure where those fall for you? Visit the Natal Chart Calculator at Astro Café to find out!
King of Swords: Use your head; have the courage and eloquence to speak your truth.
The Sun: Share your warmth and radiance with the world; don’t be afraid to get outside and play.
The Magician: Step into your personal power this week, and take intentional action towards your goals.
King of Cups: Stay calm, cool, and collected in the face of adversity; find balance between heart and mind.
The Tower Reversed: Embrace change, and make small pivots that strengthen your foundation; adjustment is your key to success.
The Hierophant: Conventional wisdom is your best bet this week; you don’t need to reinvent the wheel right now.
Two of Arrows: When confronted with choices, don’t be afraid to step outside your comfort zone; this is a week for progress.
Page of Stones: Focus on your goals, and be vigilant in your progress; make plans and get things done: you are paving your path to success.
Queen of Arrows: Own your confidence and creativity; this is a week to thrive, so remember to brand everything you do with your personal flourish.
Four of Arrows: Eat, drink and be merry – celebrate this week, and connect with the people and places that make you feel like you belong.
The World: Wrap up loose ends, give yourself time to just be, and give yourself a moment to relish in your achievements thus far.
Nine of Cups: Give yourself a chance to celebrate the happiness and joy present in your life (big or small); find satisfaction in the little things and keep your dreams alive.