Tarotscopes - Week of October 14th
We’re amping up the spookiness here as we get ready for Halloween! This past weekend, we created a ghost for the front yard decor, and I’m excited to get her out into the world!
Our messages this week come from the Shawn Cross Tarot, which you’ll see fits in perfectly with this time of year.
Tarotscopes are general readings, so to see what clicks best for you, be sure to check out your sun, moon, and rising. Unsure what yours as? Visit the Natal Chart Calculator at Astro Café enter your birth date, time, and place to find out!
The Star: This is a week of renewed hope and inspiration. Whatever darkness you’ve been facing, know that there is a light at the end of the tunnel. Be sure to keep the faith alive, and seek beauty in the world around you. Don’t hide away; allow yourself to be seen and to shine brightly. Trust in yourself and in the universe; everything will be okay in the end.
Affirmation: I am guided by hope and inspiration. I trust in my path and shine my light with confidence knowing that the universe supports me.
Nine of Pentacles: Step back for a moment and enjoy the fruits of your labour this week. You’ve worked hard, sacrificed and put in a lot of effort into getting where you are, and that’s something to be proud of. If you’re not feeling that yet, know the rewards are to come. Enjoy a period of stability knowing that you’ve earned every bit of it.
Affirmation: I honor the abundance I’ve created and trust in the rewards of my efforts. I deserve to enjoy the stability I’ve worked for.
Page of Cups: Where last week brought change, this week brings endless possibilities. Allow yourself to dream, and to let that imagination run wild. Be open, be creative, and be free! It is through this you will find meaningful connection in others. Now is the time to wear your heart on your sleeve; enjoy every emotion for what it is.
Affirmation: I embrace my creativity and let my heart lead the way. I welcome new possibilities with an open mind and open heart.
The Hanged Man: There is no rush. Take a deep breath, and allow yourself to just be. Realize that sometimes, the best form of action is inaction itself. Make time to contemplate. View challenges from a different vantage point to see a better way around. Stopping may feel like you’re taking a step back, but this will only allow you to take two steps forward when the time is right.
Affirmation: I welcome stillness and trust the process. I gain clarity and insight through reflection, knowing that patience leads to new perspectives.
The Lovers: Unity and connections are important this week; make time for the people you love. Remember, you get to choose who you have in your life and to what extent. Balance in your relationships is key. Focus on choosing people and paths that are right for you; authentic for you. The people that truly matter will stay by your side when you do.
Affirmation: I choose connections that nourish my soul. I embrace balance in my relationships, knowing that authenticity attracts those who truly belong in my life.
Four of Swords: Give yourself permission to disconnect and recharge. Take a step back from the hustle and bustle around you, even if only for a few moments a day. Let your thoughts drift by, knowing that it’s okay not to interact with every single one. Breathe deeply, and rest wholly; do so now, so you can live to fight another day.
Affirmation: I honor my need for rest and renewal. I release the need to engage with every thought and embrace tranquility, knowing it strengthens me for the journey ahead.
Two of Wands: Where are you wanting to go? The world is your oyster if you allow it to be. Make a plan, and take the first steps forward. Don’t be afraid to step outside your comfort zone, especially when it comes to pursuing your ambitions and dreams. Test the waters for what feels right, take those steps.
Affirmation: I am open to new possibilities and embrace my ambitions. I take inspired action toward my dreams, and choose steps that lead me closer to my desires.
Six of Wands: Make an effort to celebrate the wins – no matter how big or small! Say them aloud, write them down, or shout them from the rooftops. Be proud of yourself for what you’ve achieved, and accept praise for a job well done. Use this energy as motivation to keep going; you’re made it to a milestone, but you’re not done yet!
Affirmation: I celebrate my achievements, big and small, and embrace the recognition I deserve. I use my successes as motivation to continue my journey with confidence.
Three of Cups: You know the people in your life that make you feel seen, heard, and appreciate just for being who you are? the people that you don’t have to pretend to be anyone but you around? Connect with them. Allow them to support you, and show up to do the same. Creative collaboration may also be worthwhile exploring.
Affirmation: I cherish my connections with those who uplift and support me. I celebrate collaboration and embrace the joy of shared experiences.
Knight of Swords: When you have your mind set on something, there’s not much that can knock you off course. That’s a wonderful energy to tap into this week; use your intellect and quick problem solving skills to move yourself in the right direction. Be determined, be assertive, but be sure to think things through before you rush in full force.
Affirmation: I harness my determination and intellect to pursue my goals. I act with clarity and focus, balancing assertiveness with thoughtful consideration.
King of Pentacles: You have worked hard to reach the level of expertise that you’ve attained. Use that to your benefit; and be sure to accept what you know you’re worth. Take a practical and sensible approach to obstacles and challenges. Be generous with what you have, and wise about how you’re investing your time, money, and energy.
Affirmation: I recognize my worth and draw on my expertise to navigate challenges. I invest my time, energy, and resources wisely, embracing abundance with generosity.
The Hierophant: You don’t always have to think outside the box or reinvent the wheel; know that right now, the tried, tested, and true approach will yield the best results. While not all traditions are worthwhile keeping, many are there for a reason. Seek mentorship and community when you feel stuck; guidance is out there if you go looking for it.
Affirmation: I honor the wisdom of tradition and seek guidance from mentors. I embrace community and trust that established paths can lead me to meaningful growth.