Tarotscopes - Week of March 4th, 2024
I love skeletons. So much so that I have one sitting in my sunroom that I decorate with each holiday that passes. He’s currently ready and raring to go for St. Patrick’s Day.
To continue with the skeleton theme, this week I decided to use Tarocchi by Mr. Friborg. I love the art and the feel of this deck!
As I always say, we’re more than just our sun sign. Curious as to what your other placements are to see where else to look? Get your natal chart calculated for free at the Natal Chart Calculator at Astro Café!
L’Imperatrice: Call on your creativity this week, Aries, to get things moving and as a way of self-expression. What are you ready to put out into the world? You have something worth nurturing into reality, and worth sharing with the world around you. Find inspiration from your environment; where do you see beauty every day? While creativity may be running high, it’s also important to ensure you remain grounded. Be mindful of your physical body, slow down a little, take some deep breaths, and be sure to get outside – even if it’s just to stand in the sun.
Seven of Swords Reversed: Some truths are coming to light this week, Taurus, and you’ll need to call upon your experience mental acuity to figure out the best way through. There may be a feeling of betrayal, as it’s hard to understand why someone would be dishonest to begin with, but give them the opportunity to say their peace. This doesn’t mean that you have to forgive and forget (and we both know you won’t do that anyways), but the best way forward right now is straight through. This is not the week for pretenses.
Il Carro: Where are you going, Gemini? Because this week it’s pedal to the metal, and full speed ahead! There is a lot of success to be had, as long as you put in the effort and determination to get there. However, that all starts with figuring out where you’re going to begin with. Don’t allow yourself to get pull into different directions; it’s important right now to pick a focus, and steer your efforts towards that destination. Remember, you are one holding the reins and thus the road to take is your choice. When you feel stuck, draw upon that inner willpower to get moving. Nothing can stop you if you don’t let it.
Eight of Pentacles: There’s a bit of tedium to this week, Cancer, as it may feel like you’re not making the progress you’ve wanted to. What are you currently working on achieving or levelling up? Keep at it – you will get there! Know that there’s nothing wrong with investing in your skills, whether that be time, energy, or money. Spending some extra time studying, taking a workshop or getting guidance from a mentor are all valid ways to level up. Take a moment to consider what might help you reach that next milestone, and do what you need to help yourself get there.
Re di Coppe Reversed: Emotions are all over the place this week, Leo, and it’s hard to contain them. Whether that means extra irritability or your temper breaking quickly, it’s important to work to maintain an inner calm. Walk away if you have to, and don’t be afraid to speak up when things are just too much. There’s a lot of other people’s crap that you’re shouldering, and it will only get more overwhelming if you don’t draw a line in the sand. You may find people around you pulling at your heart strings, but you must advocate for your emotional load first.
Il Diavolo: We get some feelings of powerlessness this week, Virgo, where you may just feel stuck. Things you want to do don’t come as smoothly, and it may be easier to give into various distractions. When you feel stuck or like your attention is being pulled to something else, stop and consider why. There’s a bit of an internal battle this week as you grapple with reclaiming your power, but doing so will bring you freedom. Remember, no one is keeping you trapped – your own thoughts are what’s getting in the way. See through the doubt, and move beyond the obstacles. It’s time to be free.
Ten of Swords: There is something this week that is coming to completion, Libra, and while it may be disappointing how it’s all turned out, the end of this cycle allows you to begin anew. What setbacks of difficulties are you ready to be done with? What thought patterns are keeping you from moving forward? This is a week to let go. Give yourself space to heal, and to come with terms with where you are. Because what comes next is a fresh start; lifting of fog, and a new way forward. However, the breakthrough can’t come until the current cycle is complete.
Caval di Danari: One step at a time this week, Scorpio! There’s no need to rush through things. Instead, pay attention to the details: dot all your i’s, and cross all your t’s. This won’t likely be the most exciting or adventurous of weeks, but you can definitely get a lot crossed off your to-do list; you just need to take steady action and simply do the work. Stay motivated by keeping your eyes on the prize, and seeing how everything fits into the big picture. And hey, since it’s that time of year, do your taxes.
Three of Swords: We do see some disappointment or upset this week, Sagittarius, but how you decide to view the situation will massively impact how it affects you. This time around, logic is key. It’s easy to allow our emotions to influence us, and while this isn’t a call to detach, it is a sign that whatever is going on needs to be viewed through a different lens – a little thinking outside the box, so to speak. By looking at all angles if the issue, you’ll find it easier to overcome and to continue forward without little pain and resentment.
L’Imperatore: Whatever you start (or at in the midst of) this week, be sure to see it through. It is time for structure and discipline, knowing that you are in control, and it’s up to you to get things done. The Emperor is the ruler of his kingdom; he knows how to take care the things that are important to him and his subjects. Be sure that you are taking ownership over your own domain. This is a good time to plan: be strategic in how you want to get things done. You are being called to act, but act wisely and with good reason.
Re di Bastoni: You just may feel an extra surge of energy this week, Aquarius, as you’re motivated to take action – action that is focused, and calculated. Remember that balance is key: as you go after your ambitions, there are still responsibilities to take care of. While this is a week of forward movement, it is not one to throw caution to the wind. Be decisive and bold. Expect the best outcome. Take appropriate (and well thought out) risks, and don’t be afraid to throw in a little of that good old fashioned Aquarian charm.
Il Giudizio: Make a point to slow down, Pisces, and give yourself time to reflect. Looking backwards is rarely comfortable, but realize that this isn’t a call to get stuck in the past, but to instead realize where you’re coming from. What lessons have you learned? What can you do differently this time around? An awakening is coming, but it requires a new path: one that breaks patterns. If you’re tired of feeling like you’re stuck in the same loop, now is the week to begin breaking free. But to know what your next move is, you must see the roads you don’t need to traverse again.