Tarotscopes – Week of July 24th

Welcome to Tarotscopes! Your guide to what you need to know for the week ahead.
Messages are broken down by zodiac sign, so find the one that corresponds to your Sun and/or Rising. That said, if there’s a particular part of your chart you connect with more, take a gander at that reading! All messages come with a challenge, and I’d love to know if you took it on!
This week’s messages are brought to us by the Lumina Tarot by Inner Hue.

Five of Cups & the Lovers Reversed: Aries, Aries, Aries. For a sign that’s known to blaze ahead, you’re focusing on the past a lot this week. You may find yourself feeling disappointed or let down. It’s easy to fall into regret, but make sure you’re taking accountability for the choices you made that lead there.
Give yourself time to process negative feelings, or you’ll find yourself in more disharmony and imbalance. Don’t take things out on the people around you; that won’t help anything. Instead, focus on what’s going right and what you can control.
Your challenge this week: Apologize. Whether it’s to yourself or someone else, apologize for something you regret.

Two of Wands & Maiden of Cups: This is your time to expand, and really make some good progress forward! What are you working on achieving? Now is the time to focus your intentions, make a plan, and start taking steps forward.
Keep your bar high. Allow yourself to dream of all the possibilities, no matter how ridiculous they seem. This will help you open up to new ideas and different ways of doing things. You’ll find more success if you step outside your comfort zone instead of following the same route you usually take.
Your challenge this week: Take a different way. Whether you’re going home or to a familiar place, take a different route.

Seven of Swords Reversed & Ten of Cups: Truth comes to light this week, so get ready! You may find that you need to get things off your chest, or there may be someone in your life that needs to rectify some guilt. Either way, be upfront and honest instead of skirting around issues. It’s time to rip off that bandage.
Give people a chance to say their peace, and you will find connectedness and harmony. Whatever conversation you’re not looking forward to having, know that if you approach it with authenticity and compassion, it’ll be okay. This is a time to repair difficulties in relationships, and move forward with happiness and love.
Your challenge this week: When you have to deliver a difficult message, write it down and edit. Use this as a way to prepare, not procrastinate.

The World Reversed & Temperance: You may be feeling a bit empty or disconnected this week, dear Cancer. Like no matter how hard to try, things just aren’t coming to fruition the way you want them to. You’re ready for things to wind down, so you can move on to something new, but there’s a sense of stagnation.
Instead of tunnel visioning, make time for moderation. Know that focusing your attention all on one thing isn’t leaving you fulfilled. Be patient, and you will get there (as long as you’re putting in the work). Find a place of calm so you can just breathe. Remember, sometimes we have to cut our losses – and that’s okay, too.
Your challenge this week: Choose something on your list that you’ve left unfinished. Resolve to walk away from it or finish it.

Maiden of Swords & The Magician Reversed: There’s a lot on your mind this week, so tap into that mental acuity. Ask questions, be curious, but I’d warn you against leaping before you really look at the terrain below. You have a charm about you, Leo, but make sure you use that power for good.
Whatever is on your mind can lead to feelings of doubt or imposter syndrome – don’t let this knock your confidence. When the Magician is reversed he’s great at illusions and tricks: what illusions are you allowing yourself to give into? Stand up against them.
Your challenge this week: Out-doubt the doubts. Challenge your doubts by thinking about why they’re not true.

Nine of Wands Reversed & Five of Pentacles: Look, Virgo, I know you like things to be a certain way. But this is not the week to stick to your guns. I’m not saying give in to things that go against what you feel is best for you, but you’re definitely going to have to compromise on some things (especially in the realms of health and money).
That low energy? Or feeling that you don’t have enough? That’s not helping you accomplish anything and is instead keeping you stuck. If you’re not feeling secure in your finances, reassess your budget. Tired? Look at your responsibilities, and see where you can take a break. Don’t be afraid to ask for help – people don’t know you need it unless you sa y something.
Your challenge this week: Let something be done imperfectly – sometimes done is better than perfect.

The Hierophant Reversed & the Devil Reversed: This week is all about freedom, Libra! It’s time to rock a few boats, ask the uncomfortable questions, and challenge the status quo. Don’t be afraid to try something in a new, unconventional way – it’ll likely work out for the better.
Challenging societal or familial conformity isn’t an easy thing to do; but trust yourself to know when something isn’t working for you. It’s time to reclaim your power and take back control. This week, really tap into that indepence. You can do anything you put your mind to, so don’t confine yourself to a little box.
Your challenge this week: Do something you want to do because you want to do it without bouncing the idea off of someone else first.

Six of Cups & King of Wands: It looks like you’re taking a bit of a walk down memory lane this week, Scorpio, as you search for a place of comfort. And you know what? There’s nothing wrong with that – but we want to make sure that you don’t get stuck there. So, take out that photo album or flip through those photos on your phone. Remember the happy times, but realize that there are still many more to come.
It’s time to step up and take charge. How can you make more wonderful memories? Who do you want to reconnect with (no toxic exes, please!)? What experiences do you want to have? How can you invite more enjoyment and pleasure into your life? Make a plan, and start executing it.
Your challenge this week: Time to create a new memory. Plan something fun with someone who brings you comfort and support. Do the plan.

Knight of Pentacles Reversed & Queen of Cups: Feeling a little unmotivated this week, Sagittarius? You know there’s a bunch of stuff to get done, but it’s just hitting it for you. There’s a restless to the coming days, but it’s up to you how you deal with it. It’s frustrating when things are taking longer than we want, but don’t let the lack of movement lead to bad decisions (especially aimless spending).
How can you get back into the swing of things? Through giving yourself some compassion and care. Nurture yourself, and don’t label it as being unproductive. Create solely for the enjoyment of it; not for any particular gain. This will help you get back into the flow, and get things moving again.
Your challenge this week: Be creative. Embark on a creative venture that’s for you and you alone.

Eight of Cups & Seven of Pentacles Reversed: It’s time to shake things up, Capricorn, because this shows that we’re feeling some staleness in life. If you feel like you’re stuck in a loop, it’s time to take a new road. Walking in a different direction can feel like giving up, but if you’re stuck, why continue to go the same way? On a very literal level, when you’re feeling caged up, get outside and go for a stroll to clear your head.
Step back and reassess what’s actually worth it – especially in areas where you’re not seeing any growth or reward. Are you trying to fix something that is beyond repair? Are you being impatient or are things really not happening? If they’re not happening, why? Realize that choosing to let go doesn’t mean failure.
Your challenge this week: Walk away from something that isn’t working.

King of Swords Reversed & The Hermit Reversed: It’s a battle of the mind this week, Aquarius. We all know there’s a lot of crap going on in the world, but it’s really getting to you. You may find yourself overly cynical and judgemental, but staying isolating yourself with those thoughts will only allow them to breed.
Get out of your head, and into the world around you. Seek good; use your communication skills and intellect to impart wisdom, not worry. It’s time to come down off the mountain because you’re working yourself up into a tizzy. Be discerning and don’t give into hype and misinformation. You’re far too intelligent for that.
Your challenge this week: Seek light, not darkness. Find five good things every day; big or small.

Ten of Wands & The Star Reversed: You’re carrying a lot on your plate, dear Pisces, and I want you to know that it’s not up to you to hold it all. The good news is that you’re at the end of a cycle. There’s a still a bit more of the mountain to climb, but the overwhelm will ease, but you can help it along by dropping things that aren’t yours.
Exhaustion is coming if you don’t do something about it. Instead of worrying or focusing on all the things that feel like they won’t get done, concentrate on the positive. Look for hope; for inspiration. But most importantly, don’t dim your shine to appease others. It’s okay to say no when you can’t take more on.
Your challenge this week: What are you carrying that isn’t yours? Drop it (or give it back to its rightful owner).