Tarotscopes - Week of January 6th
Welcome to this week’s tarotscopes – lightning edition!
This week features the Legendarium Deck by Montenzi & Co. These bite-sized messages are designed to spark clarity and action, helping you navigate the week ahead with confidence. Let’s see what the cards have in store for you!
Check your sun, moon, and rising signs to see what resonates most with you. Not sure what yours are? Generate a free natal chart at Astro Cafe.
✨ Before we dive in, two things worth noting:
- Our tarot card for the year as a collective is the Hermit, and I wrote a handy-dandy blog post about that here: Into the Hermit – the Card for 2025. But along with a collective card, we each have a personal card for the year. Learn how to calculate yours and that means here: Calculating Your Personal Card for the Year.
- Sign up for Daily Drops of Wisdom – a tarot or oracle card pull, inspirational quote, fact or intuitive message sent to your inbox every day for the month of January.
King of Wands: Take control of making your dreams a reality, and be bold in your pursuit. Use your experience to your advantage. Prioritize what’s important, and take action. Don’t let anything (or anyone) get in your way – you’ve got this.
Five of Coins: Protect your energy, and be wary of your spending habits. Remember that you are enough just as you are – you have nothing to prove to anyone. If you need a little extra help, ask. No one knows you’re struggling unless you tell them.
Ace of Cups: Open your heart to new feelings, relationships, and messages from the universe. Get into the flow of life: be creative, seek joy, and share your love. Cherish the little moments of happiness and connection.
Three of Wands: Now is a time of expansion and growth. Stoke the fire, and get excited for what’s to come! Keep your eyes open for new opportunities to grow, but be sure that your path is in alignment with your big picture goal.
Five of Cups: There’s a tendency to focus on the past this week, especially of loss or disappointment. Don’t get stuck there. Instead, bring awareness to the present: what you have control over, and what’s going right. You still have two cups standing.
Two of Wands: This week, it’s time to take the road less travelled: the route you don’t normally take. Test the waters, and step outside your comfort zone. Give into passion, and fiery energy to fuel your path forward.
Eight of Cups: Walk away from that which no longer serves you, even if that means dealing with feelings of loss or guilt. Know that withdrawing does not mean failure. You have bigger, better and brighter things to focus your energy on.
XI – The Queen of Fields: Truth is your strongest ally, even if it’s uncomfortable. Be clear in your intentions, and fair in your convictions; listen to all sides. Take accountability for your actions, and do what’s right.