Tarotscopes - Week of August 5th

It’s hard to believe it’s August already, and even harder to believe that I’ve been doing Tarotscopes for over a year now!🎉

What do we need to keep in mind for the week ahead? Let’s see what the cards from the Modern Way Tarot by J. Bindels and N. Fernando have to say.

Remember, you’re more than just your sun sign. Take a gander at your moon and rising to see what renoates the most right now. Not sure what that means for you? Visit the Natal Chart Calculator at Astro Café enter your birth date, time, and place for a full report!


Six of Cups: There’s a desire for comfort this week; to feel safe, and to feel at home. You may find yourself reflecting on the past or returning to things from days gone by. Enjoy these momentary trips down memory lane, but stay grounded in the present. While we can’t go backwards, we can connect with people, places, memories and activities that brought us happiness before.

Challenge: Reach out to a friend or loved one (not that toxic ex)  you haven’t spoken to in a while. Check in. Reconnect.


Eight of Wands Rx: There are some delays heading your way, which may make it feel like things are coming to a standstill. Try not to lose motivation or get frustrated – it’s all part of the process. Instead, use this time to plan your next steps. Acting out of haste or desperation to move things along will only end in more setbacks further down the road. 

Challenge: When encountering a set back, stop and take a step back instead of immediately trying to figure out a way through. It will unfold with time.


Knight of Swords: You mind is racing, so take advantage of these new thoughts and ideas and act upon one that feels right. There’s a desire to problem solve, and express yourself openly. Do so, but think things through before speaking or acting. Focus on logic and sensibility over impulse and acting for the sake of movement.

Challenge: Return to an idea or project that you previously dropped. Work your way through, and see it to the end.


Nine of Pentacles: You’ve been putting in a lot of hard work and effort to get where you are, so take a moment to appreciate what you’ve accomplished thus far. There is stability to this week, and you know that it’s taken time and sacrifice to get here. Practice gratitude, notice the small successes in your every day, and make time to enjoy the fruits of your labour.

Challenge: Finish something that needs your attention, and then treat yourself to something you enjoy. You deserve it.


Ten of Cups: With two weeks of tens, now is the time to simply enjoy the here and the now. Aim for connectedness and harmony, especially within relationships. You are coming into an end of a phase, with a new one on the horizon. But instead of looking towards what tomorrow will bring, find joy and happiness where you currently stand.  

Challenge: Do something that makes you happy, and something for someone else that makes them happy.


The Hierophant: Sometimes, the tried, tested, and true way of doing things is the best way forward. While the Hierophant isn’t saying to roll over and accept antiquated beliefs and processes, explore those options before you go and reinvent the wheel. Wisdom that has come from those before you still has some merit. Play by the rules, for now.

Challenge: When you feel the urge to do something in a completely different way, try what is “standard” first. See how it works, and how you feel about it.


Four of Swords: Time to get some much needed rest and relaxation – before you burn yourself out! There is often guilt associated with not doing or not being productive, but it’s time to push those worries to the back of your mind. Give yourself a chance to rejuvenate so that you have the mental, physical, and emotional energy to keep pressing on.

Challenge: Set aside time to disconnect this week. Get out of the daily hustle and bustle, and out of your thoughts to recharge.


Justice: The truth comes to light this week, as Justice ushers in honesty, accountability and fairness. This is the time to speak your truth, and to ensure the scales are in equal balance. Be aware (and accountable) for your part in things, and don’t make excuses for yourself or others.

Challenge: Curb impulse this week. When making decisions, weigh the pros and cons. What consequences might your choices have (good and bad)?


Page of Pentacles: There’s always something new that piques your interest, and your time will be well spent indulging in learning something new. Focus your attention to practical pursuits. Don’t be afraid to start something, even if you feel like you don’t know it all (you’ll learn along the way). Plant seeds, and allow yourself to see what spouts.

Challenge: Make an effort to experience something new this week. It doesn’t have to be anything big, but something 


Three of Wands: Expansion and growth are your keywords this week. You’ve already taken the first steps, but how do you keep moving forward? Keep your vision on the horizon, and continue to stoke the fire. Don’t be afraid to test the waters to see which direction is the best to go. 

Challenge: Time to plan! Create a plan of action for the next steps you want to take forward. Once your plan is made, start on it.


King of Pentacles: You have accumulated experience and stability – and it’s taken hard work to get where you are. Utilize what you’ve learned. Approach situations with practicality and groundedness. Be smart and safe in your choices, especially those dealing with finances, and look after those important in your life.

Challenge: Find a way to incorporate into your week a skill or knowledge you have that you haven’t used recently.


Ace of Wands: From the Page last week to the Ace this week, if you haven’t started acting on your passions, now is the time. Allow that spark to ignite; instead of sitting on thoughts and plans that you’ll get to some day, the time to act has come. Get ready, get motivated, and get going! There is potential for new adventure, but you must take the first step out the door.

Challenge: Take action towards a dream you’ve been pondering. Intentional action, and the first real steps. No more thinking, time to do.

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