Tarotscopes – Week of December 16th

Tarotscopes - Week of December 16th It’s time for this week’s tarotscopes, featuring the enigmatic Night Sun Tarot by Fabio Listrani!For the most accurate guidance, be sure to check your Sun, Moon, and Rising signs. If you’re not sure ofContinue reading

Drops of Wisdom

Daily Drops of Wisdom Start 2025 right! Discover a daily moment of inspiration, reflection, and universal truth with Daily Drops of Wisdom. These brief yet powerful messages are designed to bring clarity, spark curiosity, and guide you on your journey ofContinue reading

Tarotscopes – Week of December 9th

Tarotscopes - Week of December 9th This week’s tarotscopes are short, sweet, and straight to the point—welcome to the Lightningscopes! ⚡ I’m working with the ethereal Lost Forest Tarot by Chelsea Santamaria, a deck full of breathtaking imagery that mergesContinue reading

Tarotscopes – Week of December 2nd

Tarotscopes - Week of Decemer 2nd Welcome to this week’s tarotscopes! We’re diving into the mystical world of the Yokai Tarot by Marga Biazzi and Paolo Bertazzo—a deck rich with the energy of Japanese folklore and supernatural beings. Each cardContinue reading

Tarotscopes – Week of November 25th

Tarotscopes - Week of November 25th This week’s tarotscopes are lightning scopes—quick, insightful guidance straight from the cards to help you navigate the days ahead.Featuring the stunning Brady Tarot by Emi Brady, these messages are rooted in nature, symbolism, andContinue reading

Tarotscopes – Week of November 18th

Tarotscopes - Week of November 18th last off into this week’s tarotscopes! 🚀I’m exploring the stars with the Todd Alcott's Sci-Fi Tarot, a deck that combines bold storytelling with Sci-Fi vibes. Don’t forget to check your Sun, Moon, and Rising signsContinue reading
Three Cards for Remembrance

Three Cards for Remembrance

Three cards for remembrance Today we observe Remembrance Day here in Canada, and while it's a day to remember those who have given their lives for our freedoms, it's also a day to reflect. As such, I thought it wouldContinue reading

Tarotscopes – Week of November 11th

Tarotscopes - Week of November 11th Welcome to lightning scopes! ⚡We’re keeping things short and sweet, with just a quick dose of guidance to help you move through the week.This time, I’m using The Wild Unknown Tarot by Kim Krans,Continue reading

Tarotscopes – Week of November 4th

Tarotscopes - Week of November 4th Welcome to this week’s tarotscopes!This week our messages come from the absolutely gorgeous Red Hand Tarot by Pixel Occult. Grab your journal, and get ready to do some seriously contemplation, as each message isContinue reading

Tarotscopes – Week of October 28th

Tarotscopes - Week of October 28th Happy Monday! This week’s tarotscopes are drawn from The Beauty of Horror Tarot by Alan Robert—a deck that brings a beautifully eerie edge to each card. Just in time for Halloween!If you’re looking toContinue reading