One-Card Reading

$9.77 inc. tax

Looking for a quick boost of insight and guidance? My one-card tarot reading offers just that, in a beautifully designed PDF delivered right to your inbox.

This digital reading includes:

  • A photo and detailed interpretation of the card drawn
  • A breakdown of symbols in the card that may be worth paying attention to
  • Reflective questions to help you dive deeper into the message
  • Challenges to help bring the card to life
  • A ritual to embody the essence of the card
  • Affirmations to connect with the card’s themes and energy

This gives you the option for one question or area of focus – or you can leave it up to the universe to deliver a message you need to hear. Being followed by a particular card and and want to know why? Make that your focus and we’ll dig right in.

Whether you’re new to tarot or a seasoned reader, this one-card reading is perfect for gaining insight and taking actionable steps toward personal growth.

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