The Major Arcana


A journey through the Major Arcana


  • 24 Sections
  • 2 Lessons
  • 0m Duration
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0 - The Fool
2 Lessons
  1. The Fool
  2. The Fool Video
An Overview of the Major Arcana
The Fool's Journey
I - The Magician
II - The High Priestess
III - The Empress
IV - The Emperor
V - The Hierophant
VI - The Lovers
VII - The Chariot
VIII - Strength
IX - The Hermit
X - Wheel of Fortune
XI - Justice
XII - The Hanged Man
XIII - Death
XIV - Temperance
XV - The Devil
XVI - The Tower
XVII - The Star
XVIII - The Moon
XIX - The Sun
XX - Judgement
XXI - The World

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